Nation Builder’s 6th annual IN GOOD COMPANY conference (IGC20) takes place on the mornings of…

Guilty giving

Guilty giving

The reasons for people and their companies giving to good causes include a sense of…

Understanding CSI

Understanding CSI

It’s critical to know the difference between delivery and development. Corporate Social Investment (CSI) is…

CSI: Things to avoid

CSI: Things to avoid

We can start with pet projects, grand solutions, and funding fashions. Pet projects These are…

CSI management and team

CSI management and team

People form the backbone of any successful project implementation, and the same applies to corporate…

CSI: Guide per sector

CSI: Guide per sector

Written for Nation Builder by WHAM! Media’s Karen Johnston and Paul Pereira, the Good Partner…

CSI Benchmarking Tool

CSI Benchmarking Tool

South Africa’s free online CSI benchmarking tool. Facilitated and sponsored by Nation Builder, this world-first…

Graceful exit from CSI

Graceful exit from CSI

By Karen Krakowitzer Whether for reasons of morality, employee and consumer pressure, mandates of the…

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