Today In Fact, 12 January

In 1999 I was reading a free ads newspaper and came across an advert for a plot for sale for just 1,000 rand. I decided to visit the plot with my family so off we drove to the little settlement of Paul Roux in the Eastern Free State.

While I was there I met with the town clerk, a Mr. Evans who showed me a further 15 plots of land in the town selling at just 100 rand each. Our family trust bought two plots in MacDonald Street. The Lawyer’s fees to affect the transfer came to 700 rand.

We still haven’t built anything on the land but visit every year and make plans.

I mention this because the only thing of note that ever happened in Paul Roux is that Pieter Willem Botha was born there in 1915 on this day. This chap was a militant Nazi eventually went on to become President of Apartheid South Africa. His stroke in 1989 led to his downfall and with that the end of Apartheid.

– Posted by Douglas Racionzer (